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Mastic Asphalt Council (MAC)

img0n8226The Mastic Asphalt Council (MAC) is the trade association for the UK mastic asphalt industry. MAC represents more than 90 companies - including mastic asphalt manufacturers, the contractors responsible for its installation, and associated suppliers of equipment and services.

Top quality products, design and workmanship are fundamental to the Mastic Asphalt Council. MAC membership is only open to those manufacturers and contractors that can satisfy the stringent quality requirements. Only MAC members can use the MAC logo as a mark of quality and all mastic asphalt sold in the UK by MAC’s manufacturing members is produced in the UK and not imported.

Why Specify Mastic Asphalt?

Mastic asphalt offers total waterproofing integrity for roofing and tanking, acts as a tough working surface and damp-proof membrane in flooring and is ideal for paving, offering a durable wearing surface. Find out more here.

0n8226Mastic Asphalt for Heritage Applications

The heritage market is a key sector for the industry and mastic asphalt is frequently specified by the National Trust and English Heritage, as well as other public and private owners of prestigious buildings for refurbishment projects.

0n8208Buckingham Palace is testament to the longevity of mastic asphalt. On top of the Royal household is a rooftop of mastic asphalt that has kept the building dry for well over 80 years. Mastic asphalt was also first laid on the Stone Gallery of London’s St Paul’s Cathedral in 1906 and it provided a remarkable 111 years’ weatherproof protection before it required refurbishment.

Want to know all about mastic asphalt in just four minutes?

Take a look at our video at Promotional Videos (ecclesiasticalandheritageworld.co.uk)

New Mastic Asphalt RIBA CPD Presentation

The Mastic Asphalt Council (MAC) has launched its first ever RIBA-approved CPD presentation entitled ‘Black to the Future’.

The presentation covers:

  • What mastic asphalt is, its history and its relevance in today’s market
  • Performance benefits such as durability, waterproofing and fire safety
  • Specification of mastic asphalt to achieve sustainability targets
  • Design considerations when specifying mastic asphalt versus alternative materials
  • Diversity of mastic asphalt applications

The new RIBA-approved presentation lasts approximately one hour and counts towards CPD points. To arrange a CPD presentation, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., call 01273 242 778 or visit RIBA online here