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Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 100

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World JTC Roofing Contractors Ltd

Home restoration with successful handicapped bathroom refurbishment

Unlike normal remodelling, when you start planning a bathroom refurbishment for the use of a handicapped individual, you need to start thinking a little bit differently. What needs to be taken into account is that the whole world changes when you live it through a wheelchair and bathroom access can often be especially frustrating when you have to deal with smaller entry doors, tiny interiors and sometimes times features that can be downright unwelcoming.

Mike Woodford of Oxford-based Inspire Building Specialists Ltd explains: "One of the first things that should be taken into account when conducting your bathroom refurbishment is how to make it more accessible for the user so the first thing to consider is naturally the entrance door.

"For comfort of entry, you will need to have at least a 36 inch wide door framed directly into the opening and unlike a conventional door, you must make sure that when it opens it swings outward instead of inward.

"Once we have established a practical comfortable means for a person to enter, let's take a look around and determine what other items are suitable to be adjusted.

"Hopefully the second thing that enters into your head for your bathroom refurbishment is the commode. The height more than likely will need to be raised to make it easier for someone to transfer between it and the wheelchair. Additionally you'll want to install transfer bars on both sides so a person can use their arms to independently move themselves from one to the other.

"From the commode, naturally a person is almost certainly going to want to wash their hands. To make certain this is an easy process, use sinks that are professionally mounted to the wall, once again pay particular attention to the height. The fixtures should be lever operated and easily reached. Also observe the mirrors so that grooming becomes fast and simple.

""Be certain to provide plenty of storage at the right height so that cosmetics and toiletries can be simply stored and easily reached.

"Ok, now let's start thinking about the shower. You are most likely to get a roll through shower installed when you plan this bathroom refurbishment. This makes getting in and getting out a piece of cake for anyone acquiring a wheelchair. Many models now come built with a shower seat and again, convenient-to-use fixtures.

"The last item on the agenda is among the most crucial in the overall plan. And that is you need a at least 60 inches in the centre of the bathroom to be sure that a wheelchair can easily be manoeuvred rather easily. In many cases, this may pose a problem and entail some structural changes. If it does, then before you make an effort to do so, consult a professional builder."

More information about this and other restoration services available from Mike visit www.inspirebuildingspecialists.co.uk