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Ecclesiastical & Heritage World Nimrod

Current Issue

Ecclesistical & Heritage World No. 100

Ecclesiastical & Heritage World JTC Roofing Contractors Ltd

Lightning strike causes structural damage to lighthouse

Over one weekend in August last year it was reported that a staggering 90,000 lightning strikes hit the UK. The Old Hunstanton Lighthouse in Norfolk was a victim of one those strikes and the photograph shows the severity of structural damage that can occur as a result of direct lightning strike.

The structural damage caused to the lighthouse, and the subsequent risk the falling brickwork and masonry posed to the residents and members of the public, emphasises the importance of having an up to date and certified lightning protection system fitted to your building to prevent costly structural damage, or worse, loss of human life.

Following the events of that weekend Stoke-on-Trent-based Rafferty’s lightning protection division was awarded the contract to design, supply and install a lightning protection system to the lighthouse and surrounding buildings in accordance with BS EN 62305 requirements. The company's qualified lightning protection engineers installed the new system to ensure that when the next thunderstorm occurs, this iconic structure and its residents will be fully protected.

For more information on lightning protection installation, testing, inspection and maintenance visit www.rafferty-steeplejacks.com