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Ecclesiastical & Heritage World Nimrod

Current Issue

Ecclesistical & Heritage World No.99

When you can’t see the building for the trees!

The photographs in this article illustrate two ‘messages’ regarding the virtues of planting trees alongside heritage buildings. They are taken from a project recently carried out at York Minster by arboricultural and landscape consultants Barnes and Associates. It involved a tree survey, a health and safety assessment, an assessment of replanting opportunities and a management plan.

The photograph on the left demonstrates how the planting of small, out-of-proportion trees may distract from the magnificent structure of the Minster. They provide habitat, cooling and water retention – but are they the right trees in the right place?

The photograph on the right shows what can be seen as more ‘in-proportion’ planting, with good attributes and pleasing to the eye.

According to Barnes and Associates, the Yorkshire-based arboricultural and landscape consultants, there is a strong argument for more appropriate tree planting to aid water retention by using appropriate species in urban and indeed rural areas. Storm water run-off can be reduced, which can have massive beneficial effects throughout the area.

Churches, and especially graveyards, have their part to play in helping the communities around them by planting appropriately located trees – of the appropriate type – bringing all the benefits that trees and green infrastructure can bring to a community.

The attributes of trees are becoming more scientifically appreciated and will continue to be researched, bringing benefits for future generations.

Barnes and Associates recommend the Tree and Design Action group at www.tdag.org.uk as providing a wealth of information.

For further information on the services offered by Barnes & Associates visit www.barnesassociates.co.uk