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National Association of Memorial Masons - NAMM

Burial authorities have a duty of care to all those using the site and in particular the qualification and competence of those working there.

For that reason, and for the peace of mind of the family, it is essential that the company chosen to supply and erect the memorial are suitably accredited.

Read more: National Association of Memorial Masons - NAMM

Safety Inspections and Assessments of Memorials in Burial Grounds

Many burial authorities now insist that masons working on their premises are members of a recognised certification scheme, such as the Register of Qualified Memorial Fixers (RQMF) which was set up by NAMM in 2009, although it is independent of the association and open to any suitably qualified business or individual.

Read more: Safety Inspections and Assessments of Memorials in Burial Grounds

Access Training – Accessibility Overview

About Access provides training in different ways, from an informal meeting with members of a trade association or professional body, to specific issues around disability or the built environment. It might be delivered to a range of businesses off-site, generating valuable interaction and enabling them to learn from each other’s experience, or it might be in-house, direct to clients at their own premises.

We offer access audit training, disability awareness training, user needs, disability provisions within the Equality Act. It can be prompted by fresh guidance on disability issues, new premises, changed layout of premises, new staff. It is relevant to staff at all levels from senior management to shop-floor and customer-facing staff.

Read more: Access Training – Accessibility Overview

IHBC Recognised Courses

The IHBC, in its Memorandum and Articles, recognises that historic environment conservation courses can contribute significantly to the wide-ranging skills sets required of a Full Member of the institute.

Consequently, graduates of these courses with just two years of relevant professional experience can apply to become a Full Member of the institute. This is in contrast to the five years of relevant practice required of other applicants.

Read more: IHBC Recognised Courses