Ecclesiastical and Heritage World
Full Metal Jacket Limited

Arnolds Farm Business Centre
221 Ongar Road
Contact Person: Paul Rawlinson
Phone: 01708 688272
Fax: 01708 687437
Occupation: Lead, copper, zinc and stainless steel roofing contractors
Specialists in the installation of lead, copper, zinc and stainless steel. Fully supported metal roofing.
2018 Murdoch Awards Runners-Up for the nave at Canterbury Cathedral (left) and Third Place in the 2018 Murdoch Sponsors Awards for the refurbished cupola at St Joseph's School in Willesden (centre). Triple winners at the 2018 NFRC Roofing Awards - including Roof of the Year for the dazzling roof of the Royal Victoria Pavilion in Ramsgate (right).
Winner of the 2018 LRWA Liquid Roofing Project of the Year (over 1,000 sq m) for Temperate House, Kew Gardens.